Friday, November 14, 2008

Its Christmas in the city...

Hurrah!!! Tis the season to be merry ... tra la la lala la la laaa... Christmas will dawn in just another 40 days :) :)
This is the time I getttt.... (wait for it now....) *tan tara tara* "the Christmas feeling" :D :) :)

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It's the wonderful feeling you get in the mornings as you wake up... Cold wind blowing in your face, the happy nip in the air that seems to make you want to float around, everything seems refreshed and renewed, even the animals seem happier :) ooooooh i love it :) Nothing can go wrong for me these days, not even people planting their stilettos on my feet, not even mommy yelling at me *I tend to float around her these days :)* , not even an irate driver yelling at me (because I floated across the road <:P ) I don't mind when people drop bags on my head from racks overhead, I ignore weirdos in office, I get incredible new ideas and (the best thing is...) I actually manage to accomplish them all without shelving them away, as I usually do.

I can't really explain why I love Christmas time so much, maybe it was being on the receiving end of all those toys and gifts long long ago. Maybe it was being able to get together as a family and put up the tree and hang up all those baubles and glitter and thingamigs, or even maybe all the various food stuff that never failed to appear on the table :) Or EVEN maybe the knowledge that I could shop till I drop, and not feel bad about it :D
What ever it was that got me those days, I still feel the magical cold nip that comes into the air when Christmas is around the corner......

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