Monday, November 17, 2008


okey dokey now that DeeCee has gone and tagged me, I shall get down to this business of writing down what I have never done.... Which; as I can already see is going to be a bit difficult...I shall go by the original, as most of you guys have already posted many things that I would have loved to add to my "Have I Ever" list :( . This is going to be just a quickie, but I solemnly promise to update this as i get along life and have more time on my hands...

Well to start off, I have never...

~ been to Jaffna ( yes I know.. its soo sad... I do sooo want's the one big thing I regret in my life :( *sigh*)
~ bungee jumped
~ had to wear reaaaallly high heels and totter around :) nor can I fathom why others do this
~ dived off a waterfall (yep... wanna do that too :D )
~ had an operation
~ had my portrait painted ( wanna, wanna, wanna :D)
~ sang on stage all alone in front of a huuuuge audience (actually... only done twinkle twinkle in kindergarten,
for the year end show)
~ never ever got a black mark in school, let alone punishments or even a scolding :D ( yep... moi is good girl )
~ understood why people feel this urge to condemn and differentiate others by religion, cast, race or even gender
~ caught on to Facebook
~ really got a chance to talk to my maternal grandfather - BIG time regret :(

Ok, I know these are totally random. I ALSO know I am going to regret this someday. But what the hell :P

I think everyone is probably tagged now, so this has to be a open tag...

Friday, November 14, 2008

Its Christmas in the city...

Hurrah!!! Tis the season to be merry ... tra la la lala la la laaa... Christmas will dawn in just another 40 days :) :)
This is the time I getttt.... (wait for it now....) *tan tara tara* "the Christmas feeling" :D :) :)

Free Clipart

It's the wonderful feeling you get in the mornings as you wake up... Cold wind blowing in your face, the happy nip in the air that seems to make you want to float around, everything seems refreshed and renewed, even the animals seem happier :) ooooooh i love it :) Nothing can go wrong for me these days, not even people planting their stilettos on my feet, not even mommy yelling at me *I tend to float around her these days :)* , not even an irate driver yelling at me (because I floated across the road <:P ) I don't mind when people drop bags on my head from racks overhead, I ignore weirdos in office, I get incredible new ideas and (the best thing is...) I actually manage to accomplish them all without shelving them away, as I usually do.

I can't really explain why I love Christmas time so much, maybe it was being on the receiving end of all those toys and gifts long long ago. Maybe it was being able to get together as a family and put up the tree and hang up all those baubles and glitter and thingamigs, or even maybe all the various food stuff that never failed to appear on the table :) Or EVEN maybe the knowledge that I could shop till I drop, and not feel bad about it :D
What ever it was that got me those days, I still feel the magical cold nip that comes into the air when Christmas is around the corner......

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

To Blog or not to blog.....

Just read the following article in the Economist. Gets you thinking, doesn't it?
It's true though that it's increasingly difficult to differentiate between a real blog and just a photo album. Or even Facebook pages - most of which look like diaries of the user - probably enabling stalkers around the world easy access to many unsuspecting teenagers' lives. Many of them seem to update their Facebook profiles just to be the limelight or on account of the phobia that they will be cut out of peer groups and to be on par with their friends.

Excerpts of the article... its on page 76 - if you are interested :)

With "a heavy heart, and much consideration", Jason Calacanis this summer announced his "retirement from blogging", which he believed was "the right decision for me and my family". ..........

"Blogging is simply too big, too impersonal and lacks the intimacy that drew me to it," he offered by way of explanation. It was, he said, "the pressure" of staying on the A-list - ie, of keeping his blog so big and impersonal - that got him. Only a few years ago, so few people blogged that being in a blogosphere celebrity required little more than showing up. Now it takes hard work. And vitriol. "Today the blogosphere is so charged, so polarised, and so filled with haters hating that it's simply not worth it," Mr. Calacanis lamented........

.......... Blogging has entered the mainstream, which - as with every new medium in history - looks to its pioneers suspiciously like death. To the earliest practitioners, over a decade ago, blogging was regular posting of text updates, and later photos and videos, about themselves and their thoughts, to a few friends and family members. Today lots of Internet users do this, only they may not think of it as blogging. Instead, they update their profile pages on Facebook, MySpace or other social networks.........

....... Gone, in other words, is any sense that blogging as a technology is revolutionary, subversive or otherwise exalted, and this upsets some of its pioneers. Confirmed, however, is the idea that blogging is useful and versatile. In essence, it is a straightforward content-management system that posts updates in reverse-chronological order and allows comments and other social interactions. Viewed as such, blogging may "die" in much the same way that personal-digital assistants (PDAs) have died. .........

The Economist , November 8th 2008
As DeeCee says, "Any thoughts yo?"

Monday, November 3, 2008

He has the power to hear everything women are thinking. Finally.... a man is listening...

Yeah, yeah I know ... This has to be a movie... or a dream :)

We watched "What Women Want" (directed by Nancy Meyers) on Saturday. Had the most wonderful time and we had a great laugh together :) It starred Mel Gibson as Nick Marshall and Helen Hunt as Darcy McGuire. Let me try to give you the story line without spoilers ...

Nick, a chauvinistic playboy/hot shot working at an advertising agency, thinks he's " God's gift" to women. His life is turned haywire however, when a freak accident enables him to hear what women think. First, Nick is pretty disappointed when he discovers that his beloved macho behaviour does not exactly contribute to being desired and also he can even hear what poodles think :) So, at first all he wants to do is rid himself of this curse, until he is convinced that he could use it to his advantage.

His first target is Darcy McGuire, a supposedly "man-eating", very talented advertising expert, who has managed to steal his dream position in the company. Nick decides to sabotage his new boss by reading her thoughts and selling her ideas as his own. Unfortunately just as his plan is beginning to work . . . love gets in his way.

There... didn't spoil it too much did I? :)

The movie was great....although at the beginning I did start out pissed off at Nick for the pig he was ;) And Darling got his fair share of well aimed punches for trying to defend him :) I do wish they had brought out Darcy as a more loving woman. And the romantic parts of the movie (after they really get back together) seemed a bit too short... But... it was marvellous :) Fell in love with Mel Gibson all over again, loved the plot, loved the music ... plus got my wish to lounge around with Darling with a hot chocolate !! Yes !!! :)

What more could a girl ask for?? Now if only I could get zapped and get this ability to find out what men really want .....